So far our makeshift pigeon defense has survived and the pigeons have been discouraged. I was happy to see some new sprouts popping up in the protected zone.
The winter rye has been coming up nicely with the exception of the swath of destruction wreaked by the rogue Brooklyn street pigeons. Every time we put down some fresh seed a gang of pigeons lurk on the sidewalk and on the rooftops waiting to swoop down. Today Jeff and I reseeded once again and decided to try a couple methods to discourage them. Christmas tinsel and bird netting. Will it work?
I was worried when I saw a group of pigeons feasting in the plot the other day. But a bunch of rye shoots are showing their red tips today. And it's growing in the cracks too!
It's been a while since I posted something. The project is winding down and I started a new artists residency on Governors Island. But the gardens have continued producing squash (in Canarsie) and beans. An ear of Lenape Blue was auctioned off at "The Art of Farming" event on Sept. 23rd at Sotheby's (along with a Brooklyn Maize Field Map). $75 was the final bid for our beautiful Lenape blue. The lenape blues and gigi hills are still hanging to dry in my studio. We got a decent bean harvest from the Canarsie garden in the end, and two big squash. Even the Boerum Hill garden produced a few beans. A hail storm decimated what was left of the squash in the Boerum Hill patch. On wednesday Jeff and I winterized both gardens -- taking out the plants and seeding the gardens with winter rye.
This summer I'm growing blue corn in two areas of Brooklyn as part of a public art project called Maize Field. The gardens are located in Boerum Hill and Canarsie.
Each garden is located in an area that was documented as Indian maizeland in the 17th century. They are traditional three sisters gardens (corn, beans and squash) using crop varieties that are part of the heritage of the Lenape and Haudenosaunee from this region. The gardens are a meditation of the change and displacements that have been a part of New York's history. The project participates in the continual change that defines the city by highlighting a historical past then integrating that history back into the present landscape.